
do_temp_cardA collection of handouts I use in my own chuck box, in my outdoor cooking workshops, and at home when I’m planning for a camping trip. Feel free to print them and use them.

Dutch Oven Size Chart and Temperature Guide

I keep a laminated copy of this in my own chuck box and reference it constantly. I recommend printing this, folding it in half and laminating it. Keep it with your Dutch oven equipment and/or in your chuck box.

Area Comparisons and Seasoning Summary

This one looks and prints like the one above. It includes a comparison of areas for baking dishes and Dutch ovens. It also includes a Dutch oven seasoning summary.

Camping Menu Plan

This is a fun form to help you plan your camping menu and I actually use this form myself. I start in the left column and plan my meals and note in my Supply List and Prep List (right column) what special supplies I will need (like which Dutch oven I’ll be using) and what I will want to prep at home before I go (like dry mixes, chopping vegetables, etc.). Then I use the middle column to build my shopping list. I reference this form when I’m packing to ensure I don’t forget anything.

Outdoor Cooking Gear Checklist

Here is my outdoor cooking gear checklist. It’s not so much a checklist of everything I always take with me, but serves as a reminder for when I’m packing for a trip. I hate getting to camp and discovering I’ve forgotten to bring an essential item.

Personal Gear Checklist

Here is my personal gear checklist. It’s geared for scouts and includes things like a handbook, uniform, etc., but I actually use this list myself when I’m packing for a camping trip. Again, it’s not so much a checklist of everything I always take with me, but serves as a reminder for when I’m packing. I tell my scouts to use common sense when deciding what to bring.

Guide to Doneness

This is a helpful guide for determining the doneness of some foods. It’s a great teaching tool for younger chefs.

How to be a Great Grubmaster

I use this when I’m teaching outdoor cooking skills to scouts. It prints 2-sided, letter-sized landscape, and then folds in half.

Outdoor Cooking Skill Progression

It’s never too early to start teaching children how to cook. The more comfortable and familiar they become in the kitchen, the less likely they will be to have an accident. Also, kids who participate in the food prep are more likely to be better eaters.

10 Essentials System

Packing these items whenever you step into the backcountry, even on day hikes, is a good habit to acquire. True, on a routine trip you may use only a few of them. Yet you’ll probably never fully appreciate the value of the Ten Essentials (or the wisdom that went into building the list) until you really need one of them.

How to Sleep Warm

Whether you’re at home or out in the wilds, a good night’s rest is important. Here are some tips to help you sleep snug as a bug in a rug!

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