Posts Tagged With: Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions

2021 has finally arrived but, at the moment, it doesn’t feel a whole lot better than 2020. Nevertheless, there are things we all can do to try and make 2021 a better year and it all starts with our new year resolutions.

One resolution we all should make is to get outside more often and by that I mean every day. No matter what the weather is like, get outside, take a short or a long walk, breathe in fresh air, soak up some sun (and vitamin D), listen to the birds, stop and smell a flower, wave to your neighbor. The important thing is to spend time outside in some kind of activity be it walking, running, gardening, etc. It doesn’t matter what you do, just do it, outside.

Speaking of activity, increase yours. Find ways to be more active. If you don’t workout, start. If you do workout, up your game. If you have health issues, talk to your doctor about what you could do. Make a commitment to work toward being your best. We all love to camp and cook, but it can be physically demanding so we need to make sure we stay physically fit so we can continue to do what we love to do.

Up your outdoor cooking game. Have you ever made biscuits from scratch? If not, you should, they are amazing and they are not as hard as you think they are. For a good biscuit recipe, please read my blog post: “Best Buttermilk Biscuits.” Have you have ever made bread in a Dutch oven? Have you ever made your own meatballs? Have you ever made an Asian stir fry? I have a few that we love to make: Beef and Broccoli and Kung Pao Chicken. Check ‘em out.

Have you ever baked something in a box oven? Do you have a Dutch oven that you’ve never really used? Make a resolution to master it or some other culinary technique.

Is there some outdoor camping skill you could improve upon? Do you suck at fire building? Can you tie a taut-line hitch? A clove hitch? Maybe it’s time you learned.

 So, sit down for a moment or go for a walk and figure out what kinds of resolutions (goals) you can set for 2021, and make sure they include the outdoors and upping your outdoor cooking skills. Before you know it, camping season will be here. Will you be ready?

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Categories: Cooking Outdoors, Health & Safety | Tags: , , , , , , | 2 Comments

In 2014, Camp, Cook, Eat!

2014_resolutionsWhen we think of New Year’s Resolutions, we tend to think of things like losing weight, eating healthier, exercising more, etc. Those are all great, but I would challenge you to have at least one or two outdoor cooking resolutions. Here are some to consider:

Try a New Recipe

At home, channel your inner evil mad scientist and try something new at least once a week. It could be a main dish, a side dish, a dessert, or simply a new ingredient. It could be an old family recipe that you put a new twist on or convert to outdoor cooking. Translate this to camp cooking. Don’t just rely on the typical burgers and dogs. When you’re planning your camp menu, throw something new into the mix. It could be a new one-pot dish on the camp stove or making something in a Dutch oven. Whatever it is, get out of your comfort zone because that is where the magic happens! And you may just like what you try!

Get a New Outdoor Cooking Book

Don’t have an outdoor cooking cookbook collection? Now’s a fine time to start one. I highly recommend anything by Tim and Christine Conners. Arriving in my mailbox any day now should be their new Lip Smackin’ Car Campin’ Cookbook. I know what you’re thinking. I need another outdoor cookbook like I need a hole in my head! But I’m always on the lookout for a new recipe to try and I need fodder for this blog!

Cook Outdoors

Now, or when the weather gets warmer, plan to cook something outdoors at least once a week. It could be as simple as firing up the BBQ or cooking in a Dutch oven on your patio. Better yet, actually go camping with friends or family and show them your mad skills—outdoor cooking skills! This brings me to my last resolution.

Go Camping

In scouting, we’re camping at least one weekend every month. I have to multiply that by 2 because I have a daughter who’s a Girl Scout and a son who’s a Boy Scout. In addition, if I’m teaching outdoor skills then I’m camping a third weekend in the month. I don’t expect you to do that much camping, but camping at least once a month is a good goal and it’s good for you, your friends, your family and, especially, your kids to unplug once in a while. It may seem like a lot of work, but the payoff is enormous.

So, there you go. Add one of these to your New Year’s Resolutions. Better yet, add all of them! And, if you’re ever running short of ideas, check this blog. I’ll try to keep them coming.

Categories: Cooking Outdoors | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

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